YPFB President Says Incahuasi-5 Well To Add 3.5 MMcm/d Of NatGas Output

(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 5.Apr.2019) — Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) President Oscar Barriga says the Incahuasi-5 well, located 250 kilometers southwest of Santa Cruz department, will have a positive impact on Bolivia’s overall production profile.

The Incahuasi-5 well will have a maximum production potential of 3.5 million cubic meters per day (MMcm/d) of natural gas, reported YPFB in an official statement on 5 April 2019. As a result, production from the Aquio-Incahuasi gas field is expected to reach a maximum level of 11 MMcm/d, the entity said.

“The new well will boost production in the Santa Cruz department by 20%, which will guarantee Bolivia’s total gas production increases by nearly 7%,” Barriga said in the statement.


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