Energy Analytics Institute (EAI) offers advertisers online options to promote their company or services on our website through adverts, banners, buttons, logo placement and/or discreet contributions, sponsorship or donations.

Former sponsors and/or advertisers with Energy Analytics Institute, via the then LatinPetroleum, Inc. (dba LatinPetroleum.com), included: Chevron Latin America, Repsol Venezuela, Repsol Trinidad and Tobago, Shell Venezuela, Total Venezuela, KEPCH International Co., LLC, Avail, Methanex, PetroFalcon, The Fraser Institute, La Electricidad de Caracas, and Crystal Ball.

Additionally, former distribution partners included the following: Venezuelan Gas Processor’s Association (AVPG), Venezuelan Hydrocarbon Association (AVHI), Trinidad and Tobago Energy Chamber, OLADE, Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Institute of the Americas, The CWC Group, GetEnergy, and Platts among others.

Media Mentions

EAI executives have been quoted in media outlets worldwide including but not limited to The New York Times (front page), The Financial Times, The Guardian, USA Today, Business Week, Newsday, The Observer, Bloomberg, The Christian Science Monitor, The Houston Chronicle, The Miami Herald, The Associated Press (AP), Agence France Presse (AFP), Globovision (Venezuela), Valor Economico (Brazil), Business Week, Petroleum Economist, Launch Magazine (Trinidad), CNN Español, Bristish Broadcast Corporation (BBC) TV and Radio, Channel 4 (UK), Caracol (Colombia), National Public Radio (USA) and the Swedish.SE, among others.

Inquiries regarding advertising and sponsorship opportunities or donations should be directed to EAI for consideration via energy.analytics.institute[at]gmail.com and/or energy-analytics-institute[at]hotmail.com.