Energy Analytics Institute’s “Energy Education Initiative,” also known as “NRG ED,” is structured to work with K-12 schools, community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, workforce training programs, communities and businesses with the aim of promoting ways to reduce fossil fuel energy usage and waste in favor of usage of renewable energies.
EAI aims to further its initiative through (1) educational consultancy, (2) development and distribution of education and training materials, and (3) promotion of debate and discussion regarding the energy industry and renewable energies to reduce the carbon footprint left by non-renewable energy resources.
For more details about the initiative, contact Energy Analytics Institute via energy-analytics-institute[at] and/or[at]
Bislang sind sich jedoch nicht alle einig, dass die Situation wirklich so schlimm ist. Sandra Gallina, eine hochrangige Beamtin der Gesundheitskommission Information, sagte vor dem Gesundheitsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments, sie wolle nicht über nennenswerte Engpässe sprechen und verwies auf die Verfügbarkeit alternativer Arzneimittel.