(IsoEnergy, 15.Aug.2024) — IsoEnergy Ltd. provided an update on its summer exploration program at the Larocque East Project (the “Project“), located in the eastern AthabascaBasin (Figure 1, main photo). The Company has successfully completed Ambient Noise Tomography (“ANT“) surveys covering an additional 20 km2constituting the remaining eastern extent of the property not previously covered. The surveys outlined six additional highly prospective target areas on strike of the Hurricane deposit to the east. To date, 23 diamond drill holes of the planned 27-hole program have been completed as part of the ongoing summer exploration program, totaling 9,660 meters, the results of which will be forthcoming on completion of the program anticipated in late Aug.
- ANT Surveys Underpinned by Proven Results at the Hurricane Deposit – ANT continues to be a critical tool for guiding exploration across the Project. Initially tested over the Hurricane deposit, the surveys successfully traced a low-velocity response that correlated with alteration and structural disruption seen in pre-discovery drilling by previous owner Cameco Corporation and IsoEnergy’s discovery drilling (Figure 2).
- ANT Survey Coverage Over the Full Eastern Extent Now Complete – Between May and August 2024, ANT surveys covered 20 km2 and over 7 kms of the prospective conductor corridor to the east of the Hurricane deposit, designed to assess the remaining eastern extent of the property which has seen limited previous drilling.
- Survey Results Identified Six New Drill Targets – Newly identified targets from E through J, within two conductor corridors trend east-northeast and merge in apparent fold closure on the east end of the property as shown in Figure 3.
- Expanded Summer Drilling Program to Test New Targets – Summer drilling at the Project to date has focused on target areas defined by the 2023 ANT surveys (Areas A – D). With the ANT results from the 2024 surveys in hand, the Company intends to expand the current program and test the new target areas (Areas E – J) (Figure 3).
- Early Results Showing Strong Hydrothermal Alteration, Typically Associated with Uranium Mineralization – Drilling ANT target areas A, B and D have confirmed a strong correlation between low-velocity zones and alteration and structural disruption. Alteration, structural disruption and graphitic-pyritic basement units intersected in holes (Figures 4 to 8) continue to indicate that the Hurricane conductor corridor east of the deposit remains highly prospective.
Dr. Darryl Clark, Executive Vice President Exploration and Development, commented, “As our summer exploration program continues, we are encouraged by the recent ANT survey results, which highlight that the potential of the mineralizing system extends further to the east than was identified by historical exploration at Larocque East, uncovering numerous high-priority targets. We have now confirmed that the overall hydrothermal system extends over a proven strike length of more than 9 kms along a known conductor corridor, which hosts our high-grade Hurricane deposit. Reconnaissance drill testing of the new anomalies is already underway, with early results showing strong hydrothermal alteration in both the sandstone and basement—an indicator typically associated with uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin. Furthermore, it’s common in the Athabasca Basin for these large uranium mineralizing systems to contain multiple deposit zones at the unconformity as well as transitioning into the basement. We believe this underscores the significant residual prospectivity of the Larocque East Project, as there remains a vast amount of untested potential.”
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dr. Darryl Clark, P.Geo., IsoEnergy’s Executive Vice President, Exploration and Development, who is a “Qualified Person” (as defined in NI 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).