(Energy Analytics Institute, 15.Jan.2022) — Energy briefs including Chile’s state oil and gas entity ENAP celebrating 66 yrs of operations at the Aconcagua Refinery; construction of Mexico’s Olmeca Refinery progressing according to SENER’s plans; and Fedeunep pushing for the dollarization of salaries in Venezuela.
— Since its foundation 66 yrs ago, ENAP‘s Aconcagua Refinery has delivered energy from Concón. Today, the refinery facility together w/ the Quintero Maritime Terminal supplies 37% of diesel demand in the Chile’s metropolitan region, as well as 88% of gasoline demand and 44% of aviation kerosene demand, ENAP announced 15 Jan. 2022 over Instagram.
— Construction of the Olmeca Refinery within the Dos Bocas complex continues to progresses according to the schedule established by Mexico’s Energy Secretariat (SENER) under the watchful eye of entity head Rocio Nahle, the official said 15 Jan. 2022 over Instagram.
— Fedeunep says it’s necessary to dollarize salaries in Venezuela, according to details revealed 10 Jan. 2022 in a Globovision TV broadcast.
By Ian Silverman, Aaron Simonsky and Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.