EP PetroEcuador Reinforcing Security Measures At El Chorrillo

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 26.Mar.2020) — EP PetroEcuador is reinforcing security measures at its facilities to face the country’s health emergency, including measures at the El Chorrillo LPG Storage and Distribution terminal located in Guayas province, which continues with its LPG delivery operations.

EP PetroEcuador has ordered that minimum personnel levels be maintained across all its operations in order to reduce work stoppages, the state oil company announced 26 March 2020 in an official statement.

El Chorrillo produces approximately 2,800 metric tons of LPG per day, which is distributed to the provinces of Guayas, Santa Elena, Manabí, El Oro, Loja and Azuay, and located in the southern region of Ecuador, the state company said.

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