(Petrobras, 31.Mar.2023) — Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed on 14 March 2023, informs that it obtained, on Friday 31 March, authorization from the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to resume production from the Araçás field, located in the Bahia Terra Cluster. Thus, the company started the execution of operational procedures for the safe resume of the operation of wells, pipelines and oil treatment and natural gas compression stations of this field, which will enable the resumption of approximately 27% of the Cluster’s production.
The cluster had its operations halted by determination of the ANP at the end of last year and, since then, Petrobras has been making every effort to meet the conditions set by the ANP. Petrobras has been making every effort to meet the conditions set by the regulatory body the regulatory agency and to ensure the resumption of operations of the Bahia Terra Cluster in the shortest possible time.
Material facts will be timely disclosed to the market.