(Editors at Energy Analytics Institute, 15.Jan.2025) — Energy briefs as well as others related to finance, economics, politics, and projects during Jan. 2025 including Venezuela [more…]
Tag: IDB
Commentary: Trinidad Green’s Hydrogen Economy Roadmap
(Pietro D. Pitts, Energy Analytics Institute, 5.Jan.2025) — Trinidad and Tobago’s long-term roadmap for a green hydrogen economy includes establishment of a green hydrogen market [more…]
Trinidad Launches Roadmap for a Green Hydrogen Economy
(MEEI, 29.Nov.2022) — Today, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI) launched “The Roadmap for a Green Hydrogen Economy in Trinidad and Tobago” which [more…]
IDB and IDB Invest Provided $26bn in Climate Financing over Five Years
(IDB, 14.Nov.2022) — The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and IDB Invest, the IDB Group‘s private-sector arm, provided more than $26bn in climate financing for Latin America and the Caribbean between 2016 [more…]
IDB Approves $1.14bn Credit Line to Argentina to Decarbonize Energy Sector
(IDB, 27.Jul.2022) — The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $1.14bn conditional line of credit for investment projects to decarbonize Argentina’s energy sector. The IDB [more…]
IDB Approves Strategy for Trinidad and Tobago on Digital Transformation
(IDB, 23.Mar.2022) — Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) President Mauricio Claver-Carone and Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Planning & Development Pennelope Beckles met today to discuss [more…]
IDB: Stranded Gas Reserves, Fiscal Revenues in LAC Region
(IDB, 28.Feb.2022) — The global low-carbon energy transition driven by technological change and government plans to comply with the Paris Agreement makes future gas demand, [more…]
Caribbean Sustainable Energy Conference: Day 2 Highlights
(Energy Analytics Institute, 25.Jan.2022) — Selected highlights from the virtual Caribbean Sustainable Energy Conference hosted by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago from 24-26 [more…]
KBR Awarded Study to Support Green Hydrogen Growth in Trinidad and Tobago
(KBR, 22.Dec.2021) — KBR (NYSE: KBR) has been awarded a study to help establish a green hydrogen market in Trinidad and Tobago as part of [more…]
Ecuador Dedicates $300mn To Coastal Electrification Plan
(Energy Analytics Institute, 18.Mar.2021) — Ecuador’s Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources (MENNR) as well as the country’s Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments [more…]
Bankers ‘Bombard’ Guyana With Financing Plans
(Reuters, 21.Jan.2020) — As the former British colony begins its first significant oil production this year, it is wary of avoiding the mistakes made in [more…]
Exxon Gas Could Have Been Put To Good Use – Mangal
(Stabroek News, 25.May.2020) — ExxonMobil’s flaring of over nine billion cubic feet of natural gas could have been avoided had a proposed gas-to-shore pipeline project [more…]
Guaido IDB Envoy Hausmann Resigns Post
(Argus, 26.Sep.2019) — Venezuela’s parallel administration headed by opposition leader Juan Guaido has lost its most prominent figure, former planning minister and Harvard professor Ricardo [more…]
Argentina And Uruguay To Invest $1,000 Million To Modernize Salto Grande Dam
(Energy Analytics Institute, Aaron Simonsky, 8.May.2019) — The governments of Argentina and Uruguay announced plans to invest $1,000 million in the modernization of the Salto [more…]
IDB Lends $600 Million To Aid Colombia Improve Energy Matrix
(Renewables Now, 26.Apr.2019) — The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced on Thursday it will give Colombia a USD-600-million (EUR 538.9m) loan to diversify and improve [more…]
Report Evaluates Economic Benefits Of Camisea Project
(IDB, 29.Oct.2007) — The Camisea natural gas project has transformed Peru, reducing energy costs, increasing national revenue and spurring economic growth, according to a study [more…]