EP PetroEcuador Comments on Impact of Ongoing Unrest

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 25.Jun.2022) — Ongoing social unrest, which started on 13 June 2022, in Ecuador’s Amazon region has led to the closure of oil wells and consequently has led to an inability to operate entire blocks in the South American country.

To date, Ecuador has stopped producing 1,071,707 barrels of crude oil, of which 855,893 barrels belonged to EP PetroEcuador, while the remaining 215,814 barrels corresponded to private oil operators, the state-owned oil giant announced 25 June 2022 in an official statement.

The accumulated economic damage from the unrest, which started on 13 June 2022, is over $96mn, according to details provided to Ecuador’s Minister of Energy and Mines Xavier Vera Grunauer by the Inter-institutional Crisis Committee.

To date, approximately 1,094 wells have been closed, of which 179 were under the watch of private companies and 915 under the watch of PetroEcuador, the minister said in the statement.


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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