(Pemex, 27.Sep.2019) — During its 122nd ordinary session, following a proposal placed by its Chairman, the Board of Directors of PMI Comercio Internacional appointed Ulises Hernández Romano as its new CEO, from October 1st, 2019.
Ulises Hernández Romano has worked for the State-Owned productive company for 20 years, acting as Director of Resources, Reserves and Partnerships for Pemex Exploración y Producción (Pemex Exploration and Production), as well as Deputy Director of Geo-Sciences and Technical Assurance (in 2017), Deputy Director of Portfolio Management and Access to New Regions (2015), Field Geology Manager in the Villahermosa exploration area in the State of Tabasco (2014), and Manager of the Onshore South-Eastern Basin Exploration Asset (2013), among other positions. He is a geological engineer who graduated from the UNAM Engineering School, with a pHD in Geology from the University of Reading in England.
Also, and in order to comply with the company’s legal purpose, after analyzing the required abilities and competencies required for each position, the following officials were appointed: Agustín Armando Mejía Sánchez, to the Commercial Direction of Crude Oil; Emilio Sampayo Trujillo to the Commercial Deputy Direction of Crude Oil; and Celina Torres Uribe, to the Deputy Direction of Crude Oil Analysis. These appointments will come into effect on September 27th 2019.
On October 1st, 2019, Luz Enriqueta Wiley Cota will take over the position as the Commercial Director of the Products Division; Ana Margarita Pérez Miranda is appointed as the new PMI Technical Coordinator; and Sandra Méndez Ramírez as Deputy Commercial Director of the Sales to Alternative Markets Division.
The Board of Directors also appointed Vanessa Julia Ramírez Inches as CFO; Noemí Lordméndez Valenzuela as PMI Affiliate Company Coordinator; and Edgar Gerardo Durán Galindo as Deputy Director of the Treasury. These positions will be covered on October 15th, 2019.
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