PEMEX Seeks Partners for Seven Onshore areas

(Energy Analytics Institute, Aaron Simonsky, 3.May.2018) – Mexico’s state oil company PEMEX is seeking partners for land grouped into seven onshore areas containing light and super light crude oil as well as wet gas, announced the country’s National Hydrocarbon Commission (CNH by its Spanish acronym). The seven areas are located in the Mexican states of Tabasco, Veracruz and Chiapas.

The contracts with PEMEX will be assigned in an auction to be held on 31 October 2018, according the CNH.


Energy Analytics Institute (EAI), formerly, is a Houston-established private organization with a satellite presence in Calgary, Mexico City and Venezuela where it operates under Editores LatinPetroleum SA. Since 1999, EAI has been a leader in energy news coverage of Latin America in particular. Coverage, run out of Latin America, now spans the world and encompasses nearly all energy and energy-related sectors.

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