Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean

Wintershall Says Low Costs Will Boost Profits After Merger With DEA

(Reuters, Vera Eckert, 21.Mar.2019) — BASF’s oil and gas subsidiary Wintershall will boost profitability after its planned merger with rival DEA, drawing on cost cuts [more…]

Argentina Brazil Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico

Germany’s Wintershall Says Focusing On Brazil Offshore Oil Among Other Regions

(Reuters, 21.Mar.2019) — BASF’s oil and gas subsidiary Wintershall on Thursday said it would build up its presence in the Brazilian offshore oil sector this [more…]

Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico

DEA To Buy Mexico’s Sierra Oil & Gas And Stake In Zama Discovery

(DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, 4.Dec.2018) — DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG has signed an agreement to acquire Sierra Oil & Gas, a leading independent Mexican oil [more…]

Argentina Latin America and the Caribbean

Macri’s Reverse Unnerves Shale Investors

(Financial Times, Benedict Mander, 25.Jun.2018) – The collapse of the Argentine peso and the government’s struggle to tackle soaring inflation are causing disquiet among companies [more…]

Argentina Latin America and the Caribbean

Vaca Muerta Megaproject – A Fracking Carbon Bomb In Patagonia

(Observatorio Petrolero Sur, 5.Feb.2018) — Vaca Muerta is a leading case for the next generation of fossil fuels. Big Oil and Gas companies are keen [more…]