BELIZE CITY, BELIZE (Aaron Simonsky, Energy Analytics Institute, 3.Feb.2025) — YPF S.A. completed the sale of all the shares of its Brazilian subsidiary YPF Brasil [more…]
Tag: Maurel & Prom
Up to 50 Firms Seek U.S. Oil Licenses in Venezuela, Official Says
(Reuters, 23.May.2024) — The U.S. has received up to 50 requests for individual licenses from companies aiming to do business in Venezuela’s oil industry, following the expiration of a [more…]
EAI’s NRGBriefs: Nov. 2023
(Energy Analytics Institute, 30.Nov.2023) — Energy briefs as well as others related to finance and projects during November 2023 including PDVSA and the French co. [more…]
Maurel & Prom Inks Deal in Venezuela [PDF Download]
(Sempra, 8.Nov.2023) — Maurel & Prom signed a set of agreements with Venezuela’s state owned PDVSA for the immediate restart of the activity of M&P’s [more…]
Venezuela’s Heavy Oil Output Rises Limited Following US Sanctions Relief: EIA
(EIA, 23.Oct.2023) — The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) effectively lifted most U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s energy sector on October 18 [more…]
Venezuela Assigns Oil to ONGC, Maurel & Prom as They Seek US Approval
(Reuters, 1.Mar.2022) — Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA has agreed to allocate cargoes to producers ONGC from India and Maurel & Prom from France to [more…]
ANH’s Ronda Colombia 2021 [Photo Roundup]
(ANH, 1.Dec.2021) — The ANH reports success in the Colombia Round 2021: 30 bids for areas were received in order to continue the reactivation of [more…]
ANH Says 16 Companies Qualified For 3rd PPAA
(Energy Analytics Institute, 23.Oct.2020) — Colombia’s National Hydrocarbon Agency or ANH published a definitive list of 16 companies qualified for the third cycle of its [more…]
Shell Seeks To Sell Venezuela JV Stake
(Reuters, 12.Oct.2018) — Royal Dutch Shell Plc is negotiating the sale of its stake in a Venezuelan oil joint venture to Paris-based Maurel & Prom [more…]
Maurel & Prom Confirms Discussions With Shell Over Urdaneta West Field In Venezuela
(Maurel & Prom, 12.Oct.2018) — Etablissements Maurel & Prom notes recent press articles and confirms it is working on the acquisition of Shell Exploration and [more…]