Petrobras Releases Wind Power Plant Teaser

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(Petrobras, 31.Jan.2020) — Petrobras has started the opportunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the sales of all of its equity stakes in the companies Eólica Mangue Seco 1 and Eólica Mangue Seco 2, owners of wind power generation plants.

The teasers, which contain key information about the assets, as well as the eligibility criteria for selection of potential participants, are available on the Petrobras website here.

The main subsequent stages of each project will be reported to the market in due course. 

This disclosure complies with Petrobras’ divestment guidelines and the special regime of asset divestment by federal mixed capital companies, provided for in Decree 9,188/2017.

These transactions are in line with the portfolio optimization and the improvement of Petrobras’ capital allocation, aiming at maximizing value for its shareholders.

About Eólicas Mangue  Seco 1 and 2

Eólicas Mangue Seco 1 and 2 are located in Guamaré, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, and are part of a complex of four wind farms with total installed capacity of 104 MW. Each company owns and operates a wind farm with a capacity of 26 MW.

In Mangue Seco 1, Petrobras and Alubar Energia S.A. have, respectively, 49% and 51% interest.  

In Mangue Seco 2, Petrobras and Eletrobras have, respectively, 51% and 49% interest.



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