(Energy Analytics Institute, 31.Mar.2021) — “Determining the appropriate policy reforms to sustainably improve the socio-economic trajectory of the best-run country in the Caribbean, must feel like figuring out what gift to buy for someone who already has everything,” announced Caribbean economist Marla Dukharan in her Caribbean Monthly Economic Report released on 31 March 2021.
Dukharan continued: “But according to Moody’s, any developments (1) alleviating the constraints that the Cayman Islands’ small and relatively undiversified economy poses to the sovereign credit profile, (2) driving greater and more diversified economic growth that would push the per capita GDP higher than that of peers, and (3) promoting the buildup of significant fiscal buffers to address any sudden economic shocks and a policy framework that ensures the maintenance of very low debt levels, could lead to an improvement to Cayman’s rating and/or outlook. By extension, broader socio-economic progress will also be supported.”
By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.