Day 2: Energy Efficiency And Renewables Event Trinidad

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 2.Feb.2021) — The Energy Efficiency and Renewables Conference 2021 hosted by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago was broadcast virtually from 1-3 February 2021 from Trinidad. Keys details from Day 2 follow.


NewGen’s Philip Julien

— NewGen is 100% locally owned, committed to the next major investment in its project in Trinidad – the undertaking of the pre-FEED and FEED phases during 2021. FEED results will lead to the FID Stage Gate in 1Q:22. Fisterra Energy SLU, a subsidiary of The Blackstone Group, announced their investment intention in the NewGen project.

— NewGen’s main goal is to be the world’s first industrial-scale energy efficient and green hydrogen production facility, producing carbon-neutral and green hydrogen for Trinidad and Tobago’s petrochemical industry.

— “There are a number of similar and related decarbonization and green project opportunities identified in Trinidad, Tobago, the region, the world – waiting to be developed – by, for and with Trinbagonians.”

National Energy Corp. Of Trinidad and Tobago’s Marcia Maynard

— “Significant opportunity to leverage infrastructure and expertise for the petrochemical, power, manufacturing and transport sectors.”

— Our strategy and interest move us beyond power generation towards industry development.

— Significant welfare gains for regions as energy costs are reduced and resiliency improved.

— Energy efficiency complements renewables and is often a forerunner in the decarbonization of the oil and gas sectors.

— Natural gas can be threatened if CCS falls out of favor and the world seeks to only scale green hydrogen. Any rapid decarbonization scenario can lead to softer long-term gas prices.

— Significant opportunity to leverage infrastructure and expertise for the petrochemical, power, manufacturing and transport sectors.

RELATED STORIES: Day 1: Energy Efficiency And Renewables Event Trinidad

HDF Energy Head of Caribbean Development Thibault Menage

— The CEOG Renewstable project in French Guiana was the first of its type and the largest world hydrogen storage for electricity with capacity to store 130 MWh.

— Renewstable Barbados project is very similar to CEOG and benefits from CEOG development easier land profile, better sun resources.

bp Wind CEO Alistar Vickers

— Onshore wind already cost competitive with fossil sources in mature markets without subsidies, while offshore wind was rapidly expanding in favorable markets.

— In 1985, typical turbines had a rated capacity of 0.05 MW and a rotor diameter of 15m. Onshore turbine capacities today are up to 6 MW with rotor diameters of up to 170m. Industry rapid growing offshore with turbines up to 14 MW and rotor diameters of up to 220m.

Worley’s David McLauren

— Electrification can have significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions and reduce natural gas consumption by host facilities located offshore Trinidad and Tobago.

— “Although offshore wind currently involves significant CAPEX, innovation is quickly pushing costs down at an unprecedented level,” Worley said.

— Offshore wind electrification can provide significant opportunity for local supply chain and eventually build infrastructure to a status that is friendly towards renewables

DNV-GL’s Laura Rolo

— Electricity generation in Latin America by 2050 would be dominated by 1) floating offshore wind, 2) fixed offshore wind and 3) onshore wind, collectively taking a 34% share of totals.

— The “falling cost of renewable electricity starting to make green hydrogen viable,” while “islands have a key role in renewable energy integration.”

— The population in Latin America was around 651 million in 2018 and could reach 763 million in 2050.

— Hydrogen production concepts: power may be converted to hydrogen directly in the wind turbine, on an electrolyser offshore or onshore. The offshore storage, and compression, may be done on the seabed or platform, before compressed for transport within pipelines or re-electrified if power is needed offshore or for power trading.

— Wind trend conclusions: onshore wind will penetrate further due to low technology prices, offshore wind will start to penetrate new markets with enough economies of scale, floating wind taking the first steps into commercial deployment, falling cost of renewable electricity starting to make green hydrogen viable, and islands have a key role in renewable energy integration

Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd.’s David Cook

— Solar energy creates unique daily issues since its generation falls at night when demand usually rises.

— System Stability impact: there will be problems with system stability as more renewables are integrated into current configuration.

bp’s Ashleigh Ross, Portfolio Lead, CCUS

— Wind and solar will play an increasingly important role in power generation while hydrogen can provide heat to homes and industries, and power trains and ships. Low-carbon liquid fuels can be used in aviation and other transport applications.

— “In hydrogen and CCUS we aim to create a distinctive position, with a 10% share of hydrogen in core markets.”

UWI Lecturer Lorraine Sobers

— CCS is the most important of the low carbon technologies and that it plays a key role in the energy transformation.

— CCS has been proven technologically.

— CCS deployment is far from being consistent with a 2°C pathway

NGC VP Of Operations Ramesh Harrylal

— Methane was the second largest cause of global warning and it was currently 2.5x higher than pre-industrial levels and now responsible for 25% of current global warming.

— Oil and gas industry is 25% to 40% more responsible for global methane emissions than previously thought.

— On the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI):

1) CEO-led consortium of 13 major international oil and gas companies,

2) Aims to accelerate the industry response to climate change and explicitly support the Paris Agreement and its goals,

3) Transition towards a low-carbon future and to achieve net zero emissions as early as possible with members collective investments of around $7bn/year,

4) Solutions geared towards flare minimization, eliminating venting, fugitive reduction and achieving complete combustion.

Allocot CEO And Founder Alexis L. Leroy

The Carbon Offset and Reduction Plan for International Aviation (CORSIA) scheme relies on the use of emissions units from the carbon market to offset the amount of CO2 emissions that cannot be reduced through technological and operational improvements and sustainable aviation fuels. 

European Commission’s Ruud Kempener

— The top 5 European countries in terms wind energy generation were:

1) Germany (945 GWh)

2) Spain (388 GWh)

3) UK (281 GWh)

4) France (259 GWh) and

5) Sweden (148 GWh)

Gordon McIntosh

— “Hydrogen in the transportation sector could be a great application/use for hydrogen.”


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.


Energy Analytics Institute (EAI), formerly, is a Houston-established private organization with a satellite presence in Calgary, Mexico City and Venezuela where it operates under Editores LatinPetroleum SA. Since 1999, EAI has been a leader in energy news coverage of Latin America in particular. Coverage, run out of Latin America, now spans the world and encompasses nearly all energy and energy-related sectors.

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