Filing of IPO by Petrobras Distribuidora

(Petrobras, 7.Aug.2015) – Petrobras announces that, in continuation of the studies for the initial public offering of shares by Petrobras Distribuidora (BR), disclosed in the Material Fact of 1.Jul.2015, its Board of Directors has authorized the filing of a formal request for registration of an initial public offering and for registration of Petrobras Distribuidora as a publiclyheld company with the CVM – Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.

All the acts necessary for the holding of the IPO will be subject to approval by the internal bodies of Petrobras and Petrobras Distribuidora, as well as subject to analysis and approval by the respective regulatory and monitoring bodies, pursuant to the applicable legislation.

This Material Fact should not be regarded as an offering announcement and said offering will depend on favorable national and international capital market conditions.



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