(GEP, 18.Nov.2019) — As the official CUPET meeting and roadshow to mark Cuba’s first offshore bid round, the Cuba Energy, Oil and Gas conference will be returning at the end of the month (26-29 November) hosted by CUPET.
Featured as part of this year’s four day conference programme, CUPET, alongside BGP will host an exclusive workshop on 26th November outlining the opportunities and prospects to interested companies and investors as part of the country’s first licensing round. This will be supported by a presentation covering the high resolution Multiclient 2D seismic data acquired and processed by BGP. The presentation will be led by Mr Roberto Suárez Sotolongo, Joint Director, Mr Osvaldo López Corso, Head of Exploration Group, Mr Juan Andrés Barrizonte Ballestero, Exploration-Production Manager, Commercial of CUPET.
The main conference programme will feature over 30 speakers across two further days and will explore the opportunities and legal framework of the licensing round further, in addition to Cuba’s role in the context of the Caribbean, integrating natural gas into the energy matrix and the role and development of technology across the sector.
Benefit from direct one-to-one meetings
To ensure that participation is worthwhile for all international delegates; CUPET has made its senior team available throughout the conference for one-to-one meetings; a service available to all delegates across the range of business opportunities available to you in Cuba.
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