Petrobras Announces Details Of Subsidized Diesel Price

(Energy Analytics Institute, Aaron Simonsky, 14.Dec.2018) — Petrobras said the average subsidized price of diesel to be utilized by the company at its refineries and terminals will be R$ 1.8115 per liter, representing an increase 0.7% compared to the current average selling price.

The price applies to the last subsidy period of this year and is applicable from December 16, 2018 to December 31, 2018, the company reported in an official statement on its website.

The details were revealed by Petrobras, which provided details to follow up on a release disclosed on November 29, 2018 that reflected a methodology established in the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) Resolution no. 743, published on August 27, 2018.

Petrobras also said it had received payment today of the diesel economic subsidy for R$ 665.4 million, which relates to the third period of the third phase of the program from September 30, 2018 to October 29, 2018.


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