(Energy Analytics Institute, 6.Dec.2024) — Höegh Evi officially transferred ownership of the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Independence to KN Energies and the Republic of Lithuania. The transfer marks a significant milestone in the nation’s energy development.
The FSRU was commissioned by Lithuania in 2014 and was engineered with regasification capacity to fully meet the country’s gas needs, Höegh Evi said 6 Dec. 2024 in an official statement.
The agreement between Höegh Evi and Lithuania offer the option to acquire and own the FSRU by the end of 2024. The transfer of ownership to the state underscores Lithuania’s long-term commitment to maintaining this critical asset, Höegh Evi said in the statement.
Höegh Evi to continue as technical operator of FSRU Independence. Additionally, after the transfer of ownership, Höegh Evi will continue to provide KN Energiés with technical and operational management of the vessel.
“Klaipėda’s LNG terminal stands as a powerful symbol of Lithuania’s political resolve, determination, and commitment to achieving energy independence. It has played a pivotal role in reshaping the country’s energy landscape and enhancing regional energy security, opening up new opportunities for diversification,” the president of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda said in the statement.
Under Höegh Evi’s management, the Independence has supplied nearly 16 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to Lithuania and surrounding countries. It has maintained a strong operational record, with close to 500 ship-to-ship operations and no safety incidents.
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