BELIZE CITY, BELIZE (Aaron Simonsky, Energy Analytics Institute, 3.Feb.2025) — YPF S.A. completed the sale of all the shares of its Brazilian subsidiary YPF Brasil [more…]
Tag: Liza Destiny
SBM Offshore Reveals Prosperity FPSO Module TS032 Lifting
(Energy Analytics Institute, 20.Apr.2022) — SBM Offshore revealed the first series of the topsides module lifting for the 220,000 barrel per day (b/d) capacity Prosperity [more…]
Hess Finds Oil At Uaru-2, Offshore Guyana
(Hess, 27.Apr.2021) — Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) today announced another oil discovery offshore Guyana at the Uaru-2 well on the Stabroek Block, which will add [more…]
Guyana Eyes Moves To Offset Oil Cuts
(Argus, 16.Apr.2021) — Guyana is considering unspecified economic measures to cushion the impact of repeated production cuts from US major ExxonMobil’s deepwater Stabroek block, the [more…]
Hess Updates On Ops In The US, Guyana And Malaysia
(Hess, 27.Jan.2021) — Hess Corporation provided operational highlights from the fourth quarter of 2020 and its operations in the US Bakken, the US Gulf of [more…]
19 Companies Short Listed To Market Guyana’s Oil
(Stabroek News, 26.Jun.2020) — The Ministry of the Presidency this morning said that nineteen companies have been shortlisted for the marketing of Guyana’s oil from [more…]
Exxon Reduces Guyana Crude Production
(Tudor Pickering, 16.Jun.2020) — Reports out last night that XOM was forced to reduce output at its Liza Phase 1 project in the Stabroek block [more…]
Guyana’s Crude Flow Drops On Technical Glitch
(Argus, 9.Jun.2020) — Guyana’s crude production has plunged by 65pc to 27,500 b/d from early May because of technical problems with compression equipment. “We do [more…]
New Petro-state Guyana Lifts Second Oil Cargo
(Stabroek News, 23.May.2020) — Guyana has lifted its second one-million barrel cargo of crude oil entitlement from ongoing offshore production and the oil tanker Sonangol [more…]
Statement From Guyana’s DOE Director Mark Bynoe
(DOE, 4.May.2020) — Good morning ladies and gentlemen I am coming to you at a very interesting time in our country’s history given the furore [more…]
ExxonMobil Delays Some Guyana Oil Drilling
(Argus, 7.Apr.2020) — ExxonMobil is deferring some longer-term offshore drilling in Guyana as a result of capital spending cuts, “creating a potential delay in production [more…]
Production Begins In Guyana
(Exxon, 23.Dec.2019) — Today marks the start of a powerful new chapter in Guyana. On December 20, 2019, the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) [more…]
Traders Flock To Burgeoning Petrostate Guyana
(Bloomberg, Lucia Kassai, 13.Dec.2019) — Oil traders are packing their bags for a trip to the world’s newest petrostate — a place they know remarkably [more…]
Liza Destiny Arrives In Guyana
(Argus, 2.Sep.2019) — Guyana received its first floating, production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Liza Destiny in anticipation of ExxonMobil’s production launch in March 2020. [more…]
Liza Destiny FPSO Moves To Offshore Guyana
(Zacks, 30.Aug.2019 ) — Hess Corporation recently announced the arrival of Liza Destiny — an oil production vessel — at the Stabroek Block, offshore Guyana. [more…]
LatAmNRG Briefs: Liza Destiny, Dos Bocas, PDVSA
(Energy Analytics Institute, Aaron Simonsky, 29.Aug.2019) — LatAmNRG briefs related to the Liza Destiny FPSO reaching Guyana, PDVSA investigating recent LPG plant explosion in Los [more…]