HOUSTON, TEXAS (S&P Global, 10.Feb.2025) — The 43rd annual gathering of CERAWeek by S&P Global—the world’s preeminent energy conference—will convene energy industry leaders, experts, government officials [more…]
Tag: Armando Zamora Reyes
NRGBriefs: Colombia Boosts Reserves; Trinidad’s Young Talks Gas on CNN
(Energy Analytics Institute, 10.May.2022) — Energy briefs including Colombia’s National Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH) President Armando Zamora Reyes and Colombia’s Mines and Energy Minister Diego Mesa [more…]

Q&A with Colombia’s ANH Head Armando Zamora
(Energy Analytics Institute, 10.Mar.2022) — Colombia’s head at the National Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH by its Spanish acronym), Armando Zamora, spoke briefly with Energy Analytics Institute [more…]
Trinidad’s Energy Minister Young Participates In WPC Round Table
(MEEI, 8.Dec.2021) — On Wednesday 8 December 2021, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister the Honourable [more…]
ANH Awards 30 Areas In Colombia Round 2021 [PDF Download]
(ANH, 1.Dec.2021) — During the Deposit of Proposals Hearing for the fourth cycle of the Permanent Process of Area Assignment (PPAA) Colombia Round 2021, 7 [more…]
ANH Inks Contracts With Anadarko Colombia
(ANH, 8.Oct.2021) — The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) and Anadarko Colombia Company signed 4 contracts for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Colombian [more…]
Colombia Oil Workers Join Anti-Fracking Campaign
(Reuters, 6.Apr.2021) — Colombia’s largest oil union has joined anti-fracking activists to oppose the development of non-conventional energy deposits and demand a quicker transition to [more…]
Colombian Officials On Ecopetrol And Shell Deal [VIDEO]
(Energy Analytics Institute, 24.Dec.2020) — Officials from Colombia’s National Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH) and Ministry of Mines commented on approval of assignment of a 50% interest [more…]
ANH Inks Three Deals In Third Cycle Nomination
(ANH, 1.Dec.2020) — Colombia’s National Hydrocarbons Agency – ANH signed 4 new contracts as a conclusion of the third cycle of the Continuous Area Nomination [more…]
Colombia Bid Round To Investigate Fracking Projects
(Reuters, 11.Nov.2020) — Colombia will hold a second bidding round to potentially grant contracts to companies interested in exploring non-conventional oil and gas deposits, using [more…]
ANH Readies For Second Pilot Project Round
(Energy Analytics Institute, 10.Nov.2020) — Colombia’s National Hydrocarbons Agency will conduct a second round for the award of Special Research Project Contracts (CEPI by its [more…]
Armando Zamora To Head Colombia ANH
(ANH, 12.Mar.2020) — Colombia’s National Hydrocarbon Agency or ANH announced appointment of Armando Zamora Reyes as its new president, replacing Luis Miguel Morelli. Zamora, a [more…]