(Energy Analytics Institute, 17.Aug.2022) — Petrobras received a letter on from the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) informing that the Collegiate of the CVM decided to reject the request made by the National Association of Petroleum Workers Minority Shareholders of Petrobras (ANAPETRO) to interrupt the advance notice period for the extraordinary general meeting (EGM), scheduled for 19 August 2022.
“The CVM understood that ANAPETRO’s request was untimely and had formal defects and deficiencies,” Petrobras revealed 17 August in an official statement, adding that “the Collegiate, by majority, decided not to hear the request presented, and, by unanimity, decided not to suspend or interrupt the course of the term for convening Petrobras’ EGM.”
Petrobras said the CVM’s analysis didn’t include possible ineligibility of the candidates.
By Aaron Simonsky. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.