(Energy Analytics Institute, 29.Oct.2020) — Venezuela’s leader Nicolás Maduro Moros says the Amuay refinery in Punto Fijo in Falcón state was attacked by terrorist groups with backing from Colombia.
“What has happened is something very serious, it’s an act by terrorist groups that Iván Duque is preparing from Colombia to attack our fundamental industries: refining, oil, and electricity,” Maduro said in an official statement published on 29 October 2020 by state-controlled Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
“Those who lead Colombia and want to destroy Venezuela have no ethical or moral limits,” Maduro said. “Iván Duque and Álvaro Uribe Vélez are behind this attack together with the intelligence agencies of the US government.”
Maduro, who has led Venezuela since 2013, added that there were many infiltrators inside of PDVSA, many who claim to be “rojo rojito” but who are damaging the OPEC country’s energy industry, he proclaimed
By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.