The Energy Chamber: Dragon Deal a Historic Achievement

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(Trinidad and Tobago Energy Chamber, 22.Dec.2023) — The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries has announced that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has granted the license for the Dragon Gas Field to The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited and Shell to develop and produce gas for export to Trinidad and Tobago.

The Ministry has also indicated that this is a huge win for the people of Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.

The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley, has also stated that, “In the spirit of good neighborliness, the dragon can dance.” He also stated that “A door to a new commercial frontier has been opened for the benefit of all our people.”

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago extends congratulations to the NGC, Shell, and the governments of Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela on this historic and momentous achievement. This development allows T&T to access natural gas outside of T&T’s borders for the first time which will be brought into the natural gas system via pipeline.


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