Venezuela’s Maduro Eyes 2 MMb/d Mark in 2022 [PDF Download]

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 15.Jan.2022) — Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro, during his 15 January 2022 annual address to the nation, said the OPEC country’s oil production goal in 2022 was to reach 2 million barrels per day. Excerpts from his speech follow:


— “In December 2021 we achieved an important milestone, producing 1 million barrels per day of oil with national technology. The goal for this year is to bring production to 2 million barrels per day.”

— Maduro instructed Economic Vice President Tareck El Aissami to find a way to put an end to the “mafias that sale and distribute fuel”

— “We are entering an era marked by three fundamental elements that have changed everything for humanity. First, the pandemic, habits, care, relationships and social exchange are all different. Secondly, through a world economic model and the emergence of powerful nations, new commercial and technological opportunities, and a new post-oil era. Thirdly, through social networks and impacts on communication methods on individuals, families, and social functioning, as well as access to information, communication, and culture.”

— “I propose during 2022-2030 a new transition system to socialism based on practice, truth and our dreams. The 3Rs under this transition include: 1) resistance against imperial aggression, 2) rebirth of the original spirit of the homeland and 3) a permanent revolution to make things better.”


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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