Petrobras Offers Clarification Related To Business and Management Plan

(Petrobras, 27.Nov.2018) — Petrobras reports that it has received the Letter No. 1936/2018 -SAE, which requests the following clarification:

Letter no. 1936/2018 -SAE

“Dear gentlemen,

In the news published by Valor Econômico newspaper on 11/27/2018, entitled “Petrobras evaluates 2019-2023 plan,” among other information, it is stated that Petrobras’ BMP 2019-2023 will forecast investments of more than $80 billion.

We request clarification on the indicated item, until 9am on 11/28/2018, with your confirmation or otherwise, as well as other information considered relevant.”


Petrobras reports that the 2019-2023 Business and Management Plan is still under discussion and will be submitted to the Board of Directors of Petrobras, the relevant body for its approval, before timely disclosure to the market.

In addition, the company clarifies that the annual review of the Business Plan by the Board of Directors is a requirement set forth in Law 13303/16 (State Owned Companies Law), which must occur until its last regular meeting of the year.

Thus, the company reports that it is currently not possible to confirm the investment values disclosed by the media.

Finally, the company understands that the information disclosed (“over $80 billion”) is inaccurate and similar to the amounts disclosed in its latest Business and Management Plan 2018-2022 ($74.5 billion).

Facts deemed relevant will be duly communicated to the market.




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