LatAmNRG Bolivia Briefs: Petrobras Volumes, Investments In Lithium

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 30.May.2019) — Heard on the street and LatAmNRG briefs related to Brazil’s Petrobras requesting lower natural gas volumes from Bolivia’s YPFB, investments to industrialize Bolivian lithium expected to reach $600 million, and Bolivia’s state oil entity YPFB planning to open a new office in Peru soon as part of its ongoing international expansion in South America.

Petrobras Requesting Lower Gas Volumes From Bolivia

(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 28.May.2019) — Brazil’s Petrobras requested lower volumes of Bolivian natural gas from 1-19 May, marking the third consecutive month the Brazilian oil and gas has done so, reported online media La Razón.

During the period, Petrobras demanded an average 12.34 million cubic meters per day (MMcm/d) of Bolivian gas, below the 13.04 MMcm/d sent in March and the 12.41 MMcm/d sent in April.

Bolivia’s other large gas export market Argentina requested an average 15.36 MMcm/d during the same period, slightly below the 16 MMcm/d established as the minimum volume as per the addendum to the original gas purchase and sale contract signed between YPFB and Integración Energética Argentina SA (IEASA).


YPFB Plans To Open An Office In Peru Soon

(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 30.May.2019) — Bolivia’s Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos eyes opening an office soon in neighboring Peru, reported online media Correo, citing YPFB Vice Minister of Planning and Development Carlos Quispe.

“We already have offices in Argentina and Brazil and one is being opened in Paraguay and we are working to open a YPFB office in Peru,” Quispe said.


Investments To Industrialize Bolivian Lithium Reach $600 Million, YPFB Says

(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 29.May.2019) — Investments to industrialize Bolivia’s lithium deposits have reached $600 million, reported Bolivia’s Information Agency or ABI, citing Yacimientos de Lito Boliviano (YLB) Manager Juan Carlos Montenegro.

These investments to date relate to infrastructure built in the Salar de Uyuni pilot plants in Potosí, Montenegro said.

Medium-term investment from Germany and China could reach a combined $3.6 billion on new lithium projects that are in the final stages of industrialization, the agency reported.


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