Venezuela, Saudi Arabia Joint Commission

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 15.Sep.2015) – Venezuela’s Foreign Minister and Vice President of International Affairs at PDVSA, Delcy Rodríguez, accompanied by Minister of Commerce and Industry of Saudi Arabia Tawfiq bin Fouzan Alrabiah, opened the First High Level Joint Commission Venezuela-Saudi Arabia at the Antonio Jose de Sucre Casa Amarilla, the seat of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry in Caracas, according to statements released by Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry.

“As President Nicolás Maduro said, our diplomacy is actively involved in the defense of energy resources,” said Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez during the ceremony.

The Joint Commission aims to strengthen relations between the two countries, covering a broad spectrum that includes petrochemical, industrial, agricultural, cultural, educational, diplomatic, and financial areas. These relations received a boost from Commander Chavez with his historic diplomatic tour of Arab countries in 2000. They have been relaunched by the Bolivarian government with the visit of President Nicolas Maduro to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia earlier this year.

Venezuela and Saudi Arabia are founding members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and maintain strategic bilateral agreements in the hydrocarbon sector, which is expected to strengthen through bilateral petrochemical cooperation.

“We hope to promote trade between the two countries, secure an effective environment for the development of the private market, and increase professional and technological cooperation,” said Minister Fouzan Alrabiah. “We have an export industry in the areas of food, plastics, fertilizer, and iron, among others.”

“The defense of crude oil market prices belongs to us,” said Rodriguez, echoing statements by President Maduro during OPEC’s 55th anniversary event.

Beyond oil, the future of bilateral cooperation is full of potential. Both nations share a policy for the integration and full sovereignty of the peoples.

“Saudi Arabia and Venezuela share the cause of the Palestinian people” said Rodriguez. “Venezuela is a nation of peace. We affirm our willingness and commitment to deepen bilateral relations. Feel at home! That is how we feel when we are in your country.”


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