Bolivia Boosts Gas Exports To Argentina

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 10.Jun.2020) — Bolivia’s state oil company Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) increased, as of 1 June, natural gas exports requested by Integración Energética Argentina S.A. (IEASA) to 18 million from 16 million cubic meters per day (MMcm/d).

IEASA’s gas requirements, during May 2020, the month in which the winter period of the contract begins, increased to 16 MMcm/d from 11 MMcm/d, corresponding to amounts committed in the contract for April and May, respectively. For June, the committed amount is 18 MMcm/d, YPFB announced 10 June in an official statement.

Regarding the commercialization of energy with Brazil’s state oil company Petrobras, it is expected that production would increase gradually until reaching 14 MMcm/d, as established in the eighth addendum signed at the beginning of March 2020.

The addendum establishes a commitment of receipt by Petrobras of 14 MMcm/d and a delivery obligation by YPFB of up to 20 MMcm/d. The deal is valid for approximately four to six years, depending on the volumes delivered and would generate significant economic income aimed at consolidating the development and stability of the country’s economy, YPFB said in the statement.


From May to date, an increase in the total demand for gas has been evident with volumes from April to May, on average rising from 27 to 34 MMcm/d, and from May to date volumes have reached 40 MMcm/d.

Although the figures continue below the levels estimated under normal conditions, the rise is the result of the gradual increase in domestic consumption and exports to Brazil, as well as the increase in the volumes supplied to IEASA, formerly ENARSA, according to the terms and conditions of the contract, YPFB said in the statement.


By Ian Silverman. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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