New Libra Well Confirms Extension of Petrobras Oil Find

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(Petrobras, 15.Jun.2016) – The Libra Consortium has concluded the drilling and evaluation of the seventh well in the block, located in the pre-salt of the Santos Basin. The well found the thickest oil net pay column ever encountered in Libra, reaching 410 meters. This column overcomes the last found (301 meters), announced in March this year.

The new well, located in the northwest portion of the block and 180 kilometers off the Rio de Janeiro state coast, confirmed the discovery of good quality oil (27-degree API) in reservoirs with excellent productivity.

The well, named 3-BRSA-1339A-RJS (3-RJS-742A) and informally known as NW2, is located 10.3 kilometers south of the discovery well 2-ANP-2A-RJS. This drilling is part of the Discovery Evaluation Plan of the 2-ANP-2A-RJS, approved by the National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), on February 26, 2016.

To date, seven wells have been drilled in Libra (six by the Consortium) and the eighth well (3RJS-743-A), also in the northwest area of the block, is being drilled. The area of Libra was the first award under the production sharing regime.

The Libra Consortium is composed of Petrobras (operator, with 40 percent WI), Shell (20 percent WI), Total (20%), CNPC (10 percent WI) and CNOOC (10 percent WI), and the Production Sharing Contract manager is Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA).


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