Five Groups May Join Eletronuclear Complete Power Plant Project

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(Reuters, 6.Nov.2018) — Five groups are considering whether to partner with Brazil’s state-controlled Eletronuclear to resume construction of nuclear power plant Angra III, already partially built by the government, newspaper Valor Econômico reported on Tuesday, citing unidentified sources.

The foreign companies’ interest in the venture grew after a government agency raised the price of the energy produced at the plant to 480 reais per megawatts per hour from 250 reais, Valor reported.

The interested groups are China’s National Nuclear Corporation and State Power Investment Corporation, South Korea’s Kepco Engineering and Construction, Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, known as Rosatom, and a consortium comprised of France’s Electricité de France and Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , the paper said.

Current Brazilian President Michel Temer’s government is organizing the process, but contracts would probably be signed under the administration of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who will take office in January.

Eletronuclear has said it wants to resume construction in 2020, so the official rules for the choice of a partner should be published early next year, according to the paper, citing a source with knowledge of the matter.

The companies said to be interested in the venture did not immediately reply to requests for comment.



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