Aruba’s San Nicolás Refinery to Take Faja Oil

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 25.Aug.2018) — Valero’s old Aruba refinery will be revitalized as an upgrader.

PDVSA announced the San Nicolás Refinery located in Aruba will be converted into an upgrader in order to process extra-heavy oil from Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, also known as the Faja.

Citgo Aruba Refinery. Source: PDVSA

The upgrader will have capacity to process 200,000 barrels per day, reported PDVSA in an official statement.

Venezuela — the country with the world’s largest oil reserves, and reeling in political, economic and humanitarian crises and suffering from the world’s highest inflation – continues to struggle to stop oil production declines. The country’s refineries and upgraders continue to suffer from a lack of investment, among other issues that continue to affect the OPEC country’s oil patch.

No further financial details related to refinery conversion were revealed by PDVSA.


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