Colombia Launches Green Taxonomy at NYSE

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 11.Apr.2022) — Colombian officials including President Iván Duque, Mines and Energy Minister Diego Mesa Puyo, and Finance and Public Credit Minister José Manuel Restrepo Abondano visited the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to launch the South American country’s green taxonomy, an instrument designed to mobilize resources from the public and private sectors towards environmental investments.

“We are the fourth country in the world to implement this tool,” Restrepo said on 11 April 2022 on Twitter. “We’re taking another step in our strategy of sustainable growth,” Restrepo said.

“Colombia’s green taxonomy will boost environmentally sustainable investments,” The World Bank Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer Anshula Kant said on 11 April 2022 on Twitter. “Today, we celebrate Colombia’s leading path for green finance in Latin America.”

Source: Diego Mesa
Source: Diego Mesa
Source: Diego Mesa


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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