InvestChile Seeks Investors For Plastic Recycling Industry

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(InvestChile, 7.Sep.2021) — Chile urgently needs to increase its plastic recycling capacity and this opens up significant business opportunities for foreign companies. This topic will be aired in the online event “Plastic Recycling Infrastructure: Investment Opportunities in Chile” taking place this Thursday, September 9. The webinar has been organized by InvestChile, Chile’s foreign investment promotion agency, in conjunction with the Chilean Plastics Pact (Pacto Chileno de los Plásticos, PCP) led by Fundación Chile.

Chile produces more than 1.2 million tons of plastic per year, of which only 7% is recycled. Of all recycled plastic, 17% is household waste and 83% non-household waste.

New Chilean regulations are generating the need to increase the country’s recycling capacity and putting the onus on producers and importers to take responsibility in this area. This new panorama generates investment opportunities in two spheres:

Capacity. Chile currently has sufficient capacity to recycle without any problems. However, in light of the target recovery rates set out in the new law, processing capacity will need to increase considerably. For the same reason, a shortfall is anticipated with regard to investment in infrastructure for classification and/or valorization plants.

Localization. Chile’s recycling capacity is highly concentrated in one area with some 80% of all the available infrastructure being located in the Metropolitan Region, where the capital, Santiago, is located. It is crucial to expand this capacity throughout Chile, which is 4,200 km (2610 miles) long.

The e-book “Recycling Infrastructure for Plastic Packaging: Outlook and Opportunities for Investment in Chile” will be presented during the webinar. This document identifies the opportunities for investing in Chile’s infrastructure for recycling plastic containers and packaging. The e-book was developed by InvestChile in conjunction with the Chilean Plastics Pact.

If you would like to participate in the webinar, you can sign up here.


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