Dems Statement Ahead Of Elections In Venezuela

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(US Senate, 4.Dec.2020) — US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) issued the following statement denouncing the Maduro regime’s sham elections scheduled to take place on Sunday, December 6.

“For nearly two years, world leaders have stood in solidarity with Interim President Juan Guaidó and Venezuela’s last democratically-elected institution, the National Assembly, as they have faced severe political repression and a devastating humanitarian crisis. As the Venezuelan people face inexcusable suffering, the entrenched criminal cabal of Nicolás Maduro is holding yet another sham election—one discredited before it starts.”

“Democratic nations must collectively and unequivocally reject this latest illegitimate electoral process. Legitimate legislative and presidential elections that meet international standards are the only credible path forward for resolving Venezuela’s protracted political crisis. Until then, we remain deeply concerned for the physical safety of fellow legislators in the National Assembly, and call on the Maduro regime to end its campaign of crimes against humanity.”


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