EP PetroEcuador Inks La Esperanza Aqueduct Deal

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 23.Jan.2020) — An inter-institutional agreement between EP PetroEcuador and the municipalities of Manta, Jaramijó and Montecristi aims to provide a solution to problems related to the La Esperanza aqueduct.

Ecuador’s government — through state oil company PetroEcuador — and in coordination with the aforementioned municipalities, agreed to sign an inter-institutional agreement to rehabilitate the electrical system of the La Esperanza aqueduct of the Pacific Refinery.

The agreement proposes the urgent transfer of resources to solve the problems presented at the La Esperanza aqueduct — operated by the Pacific Refinery mixed economy company, which is in the process of being liquidated — PetroEcuador announced 23 January 2020 in an official statement.

Per the agreement, PetroEcuador will provide the necessary resources for the acquisition of spare parts and subsequent maintenance of the entire electrical system of the aqueduct, while the municipalities will be responsible for managing the purchase order of the necessary equipment.

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