GeoPark In Exclusive Dealings to Buy Unconventional Blocks in Vaca Muerta

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(GeoPark, 11.Apr.2024) — GeoPark Limited (NYSE: GPRK) has submitted a binding offer to acquire a non-operated working interest (WI) in unconventional blocks in the Neuquen Basin in Argentina.

As of the date of this release, the offer has been accepted by the seller and the parties are working on an exclusive basis towards execution of definitive agreements.

The potential acquisition is consistent with GeoPark’s strategy of continued expansion in the leading proven oil and gas basins in Latin America.

Upon closing, the assets would immediately contribute more than 5,000 net boepd of production. The agreed acquisition price is around $200mn, plus an additional carry of $110mn-$120mn (gross), over a two year period, associated to certain exploration activities. GeoPark intends to fund the acquisition through a combination of cash on hand, available credit facilities and new financing. The net debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio following the transaction is not expected to exceed 1.1x.

GeoPark expects to sign definitive documentation within coming weeks, in which case closing of the transaction would occur in 3Q:24.

No assurances can be given that the transaction will ultimately be completed, due to regulatory or other reasons. Due to confidentiality terms under the agreement, GeoPark is not able to provide further information to the market on this acquisition until the final documentation is signed, or terminated, as the case may be.


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