EP PetroEcuador Continues with Work on Pipeline Bypasses

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 15.Jan.2022) — EP PetroEcuador continues with work on a seventh bypass for the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (SOTE) aimed at protecting the infrastructure and avoiding further stoppages that affect the country’s economy.

EP PetroEcuador General Manager Ítalo Cedeño together with company Transportation Manager, Washington Gallegos, and a group of experts made up of a geologist, geophysicist, and volcanologist, visited the Piedra Fina sector in Napo Province where the seventh bypass for the SOTE and the fifth bypass for the Shushufindi – Quito Products Pipeline were built. The purpose of their visit was to verify the work and operation of the two pipelines that transport hydrocarbons from oil to refined products.

Source: EP PetroEcuador

“There are vulnerable points in the current layout and we are already working to carry out the pre-feasibility studies for the construction of the final bypass for the SOTE and the products pipeline which will be located on the other side of the Quijos River,” Cedeño said. With the final bypasses in operations, PetroEcuador will definitively move away from issues related to regressive soil erosion”, he emphasized.


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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