Pompeo On Win-Win Solutions, Capital Storming

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 6.Jan.2021) — US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo comments on win-win mineral solutions in certain countries from DRC to Brazil as well as other issues related to US LNG and the violent storming of the US Capital building in Washington, DC by supports loyal to outgoing US President Donald Trump.

Highlighted Tweets Follow From Pompeo:

— The US Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) is also working with Greenland, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, DRC, Zambia, and Brazil survey their critical minerals, improve regulatory practices, and attract investment from free nations that actually want “win-win” solutions.

— We export American gas and crude oil to our friends and partners around the world who would otherwise depend on Russia, Iran, or Venezuela. Banning fracking is dangerous to Americans.

— U.S. energy independence matters to the safety and security of every American. Fracking, refining, and exporting American energy create hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs.

— U.S. producers are the cleanest and most efficient in the world. We helped Croatia open an LNG gas terminal, facilitated projects in Vietnam and the Philippines, and expanded LNG from the Caribbean to Argentina.

Pompeo On Capital Insurrection:

— The storming of the U.S. Capitol today is unacceptable. Lawlessness and rioting — here or around the world — is always unacceptable. I have travelled to many countries and always support the right of every human being to protest peacefully for their beliefs and their causes.

— But violence, putting at risk the safety of others including those tasked with providing security for all of us, is intolerable both at home and abroad. Let us swiftly bring justice to the criminals who engaged in this rioting.

— America is better than what we saw today at a place where I served as a member of Congress and saw firsthand democracy at its best.


By Ian Silverman. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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