Former PDVSA Head Criticizes Anti-Blockade Law

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 11.Oct.2020) — The former president of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), Rafael Ramírez, criticized Venezuela’s Anti-Blockade Law, which was approved by the country’s National Constituent Assembly.

“For more than five years I’ve been denouncing the direction this government is going in terms the delivery of our oil, reversal of the conquests of the Bolivarian revolution … and the abyss to which it has led us,” local media El Nacional reported 11 October 2020, citing Ramírez. “I have no doubt, it is Maduro and his government who are the traitors to Chávez, his legacy and the all the people,” he said.

During the government of late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez, who passed away in 2013, Ramírez also served as the country’s minister of energy and petroleum.


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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