Suriname Elects Santokhi As President, Brunswijk As VP

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 14.Jul.2020) — Suriname elected Progressive Reform Party (VHP) front man Chan Santokhi as the country’s president and Ronnie Brunswijk, leader of the General Liberation and Development Party (ABOP), as the country’s vice president.

The new government will official start work on 17 July 2020, Viren Ajodhia, energy advisor to the VHP told Energy Analytics Institute (EAI),

The new leader of the small South American country has yet to announce a detailed plan for the country’s oil sector, which is poised for a boom in coming years — as seen currently offshore Guyana — as exploration continues in the Guyana-Suriname basin.

RELATED STORY: Suriname Elects a New President, Ending Bouterse’s Long Rule

US independent Apache and French oil major Total have drilled two successful wells offshore in Suriname’s Block 58. The companies plan two additional wells on the block.


By Ian Silverman. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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