Oil Prices Expected to Rise

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(FinancialBuzz.com, 19.Jun.2018) – Despite the recent downturn in oil prices, Goldman Sachs remains optimistic.

According to Reuters, Goldman Sachs forecast a tighter oil market for a longer duration due to strong demand growth and the probability that rising supply disruptions could counter any increase in OPEC production.

“Our updated global supply-demand balance continues to point to further declines in inventories and higher oil prices in 2H18,” the bank said. Goldman also repeated its Brent price forecast for a peak of $82.50 per barrel throughout the summer and a year-end approximation of $75.

The avalanche of political and economic developments around the world that influence oil prices are making it difficult to determine what the relationship between demand and supply will be. Goldman Sachs explained in the report that they expect OPEC and Russia production to increase by 1 million barrels per day by the end of 2018 and by another half a million barrels per day in the first half of 2019. While a production increase would decrease oil prices, the supply numbers are expected to be offset by increased political and economic disruptions in Venezuela and Iran.


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