Andes Energía, YPF to Develop Vaca Muerta

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(Energy Analytics Institute (EAI), Clifford Fingers III, 16.Feb.2017) – Andes Energía and YPF plan joint investments to boost hydrocarbon production in the Vaca Muerta in Argentina.

“We have projects to drill hundreds of wells,” reported the daily Clarín, citing Andes General Manager Alejandro Jotayan. “The great potential is in shale oil in the Vaca Muerta where we have 250,000 net acres (1,000 square kilometers), both in Neuquén as well as in the south in Mendoza.”

In 2016, we invested almost all our cash flow in Chachahuen (Mendoza) in a block in partnership with YPF, announced Jotayan during an interview with Télam. Both companies invested $100 million on 90 exploration and development wells as well as production management and treatment facilities. In 2017, Andes plans to deepen its work in Chachahuen and continue with development of the Vaca Muerta, said Jotayan.

“YPF and Chevron are producing 50,000 barrels per day on 60,000 acres,” said Jotayan. “You can imagine what we could do with 250,000 acres.”


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