Venezuela to Export Gas to Trinidad

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(PDVSA, 5.Dec.2016) – During a meeting in Miraflores Palace, the People’s Power Minister of Petroleum and President of PDVSA Eulogio Del Pino and the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Keith Rowley, signed an agreement to implement the Natural Gas Supply Project from Venezuela to Trinidad and Tobago through a gas interconnection from the Dragon Field in northeastern Venezuela.

This agreement will boost gas production and exports, as Venezuela continues with its policy of strategic alliances. Through this partnership, one or more gas pipelines will be built from the Mariscal Sucre area in Venezuela to Trinidad and Tobago.

The interconnection to export gas will be established from the Venezuelan Dragon Field to the Hibiscus platform in Trinidad and Tobago. Another potential route will be evaluated from Güiria, in Sucre state, to Point Lisas in Trinidad.

Decade for energy integration

For President Nicolás Maduro, this strategic alliance makes a reality a decade of Latin American and Caribbean integration.

“We are working on our maritime borders with blocks of gas. We have reached agreements for their joint exploitation, taking advantage of the strengths of both nations for a win-win. This is what we call Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy. Through a dialogue we seek to develop common interests,” Maduro said.

He asked Minister Del Pino to accelerate implementation and investment on these projects.

Historic development

Prime Minister Rowley described the signing of the agreement as a historic development that will improve relations between the two nations.

“Today’s development marks a commitment to develop face to face, holding onto opportunities that are beneficial to the people of Venezuela, to the people of Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean,” Rowley said.

The prime minister believes the agreement will open opportunities for various “significant and necessary commercial developments in the hydrocarbons sector.”

“These units of commerce open doors towards a staircase upon which Trinidad and Tobago can walk confidently into the international marketplace… We look forward to climbing these stairs, side by side with Venezuela as we enjoy the benefits of our Caribbean basin,” concluded Rowley.


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