Trinidad And Guyana– Same Curse

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(Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, Letter to Editor, Arthur Dash, 25.Feb.2019) — Having recently returned from Guyana, I could not help but think of Trinidad the entire trip. Both countries are filled with wealthy resources but are plagued by mismanagement and the unwillingness of the people to stand up for themselves.

As we drove on the dilapidated main roads, the signs of neglect were prevalent everywhere. By next year, Guyana is expected to experience the oil boom of the 70s that Trinidad experienced. However, it does not appear the wealth will be spread to the citizens – just the few corrupt. Over-budgeted projects, high cost of living and corruption are characteristics plaguing both countries. It makes one wonder about the greed of politicians who choose deliberately not to represent the average citizens but pay their loyalty and focus to a group of citizens who continue to get wealthier by the minute while the poor man barely has food to eat as he struggles with the day-to-day living.

In Guyana the simplest of tasks such as removal of rubbish appears to be non-existent as trash is everywhere. At least in Trinidad the corruption-plagued Cepep attempts to maintain the cleanliness and upkeep of the country. But I assume once the oil booms, these type of programmes will appear in Guyana as a means to support the continued corruption and theft.

It is unfortunate that both countries, blessed with rich resources and diverse ethnic backgrounds, have been cursed with the unquenchable greed and corruption that are likely to lead to their demise.

(NOTE: This was a letter to the editor from Michelle Dymally Davis, Cedros)


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