Pemex Taking Preventative Measures Ahead of Hurricane Willa

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(Pemex, 23.Oct.2018) — Pemex implemented the Hurricane Emergency Response Plan (PREH initials in Spanish) to safeguard and protect workers’ safety and its facilities in the states of Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Sonora, and Sinaloa.

Because of the geographical region where the hurricane is expected to make landfall, it will not impact directly into the company’s facilities.

The Storage and Distribution Port Terminals (TAD initials in Spanish) of the Pacific Regional Logistics Management, which are located in the states of Sinaloa and Nayarit, are currently operating with preventative measures due to extreme weather conditions. Currently reporting no setbacks.

The TAD in Mazatlán is the only facility that had shut down since 15:00 hours onwards, in accordance to the instructions with the government of the city of Mazatlán and the state of Sinaloa’s Civil Defense Agency, to stay sheltered in place and roads clear for emergency vehicle transit only.

Furthermore, taking into account that heavy rain and strong winds are expected, the system shutdown was performed, and operating areas were turned off as additional preventative measure.

This Tuesday morning, the supply of Pemex products was prioritized for the areas that could be affected by the hurricane. It is important to note that the company has sufficient products on hand to cover fuel demand over the coming days.



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