Stena Bulk, Petrobras, Ink Two-Year Contract

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 8.Sep.2018) — Stena Bulk signed a deal to charter two MR tankers to Petrobras.

Under the deal, Stena Bulk will charter its MR product tankers Stena Conqueror (47,000 dwt, built in 2003) and Stena Conquest (47,000 dwt, built in 2004) to Brazil’s state-owned oil company.

“We have a long-standing, highly-valued relationship with Petrobras when it comes to both Suezmax and MR tankers and we are committed to continue to provide them with safe and efficient deliveries,” said Stena Bulk CEO and President Erik Hånell in an official company statement.

The contract is for a term of two years and includes the option to extend the charters for another 11 months. The vessels will carry refined products along the Brazilian coast.

“We continue to cater for Petrobras’ shipping requirements as a preferred customer and logistical partner of Stena Bulk,” said Stena Bulk Products & Chemicals USA General Manager Claes Leschly Bang.


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