Pemex’s Oil Workers Donate to Mexican Red Cross

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(Pemex, 28.Aug.2018) — Pemex CEO Carlos Treviño Medina, presented the donation of 15,685,324 pesos made by the oil workers’ community in the country as part of the 2018 Fundraiser to the director of the Mexican Red Cross, Fernando Suinaga Cárdenas.

Source: Pemex

He stated that Petróleos Mexicanos’s most important assets are its people, and this fundraiser shows that solidarity is still one of the distinguishing features of the oil workers’ community, which has also translated into hundreds of tons of food and the invaluable support provided by volunteers of the institution during natural disasters, such as the devastating earthquakes of 2017.

During a ceremony that was held this morning at the Executive Tower of the Pemex Management Center, Treviño Medina pointed out that during this administration, the state-owned company has donated over 135 million pesos thanks to the support and commitment of its workers of all levels, members of the Mexican Oil Workers’ Union, as well as the nationwide network of Petróleos Mexicanos volunteers.

“This great institution is always there to come in our aid during natural disasters, which are a danger for all of us. I commend its courage, its contribution, organization and capacity for deployment, as well as its readiness to work side by side with Pemex personnel at any time,” Treviño Medina emphasized.

Mexican Red Cross director Fernando Suinaga thanked Pemex for its contribution on behalf of all Red Cross volunteers and contributors, as, he said, it will be vital to maintain and improve all ongoing relief and assistance operations throughout the country. “Pemex and the Red Cross have one thing in common: we work as a single team for the benefit of all Mexicans,” Suinaga said.

Mrs. Bertha Galván de Treviño, honorary chairwoman of Voluntariado Pemex (Pemex Volunteers); Mrs. Carmen Lebrija de Suinaga, Chairwoman of the Gray Ladies of the Mexican Red Cross; Mrs. Blanca Alencaster de Murillo, honorary co-chairwoman of Voluntariado Pemex; Marco Murillo Soberanis, Corporate Director of Management and Services; and Daniel Aguado Rojas, Adjustments Secretary of the General Executive Committee of the Oil Workers’ Union; as well as senior management officers of the state-owned company and the Trust of the Mexican Red Cross, were present at the event.


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