Petrobras Financial Performance in 4Q:22 [PDF Download]

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(Petrobras, 1.Mar.2023) — Petrobras reported its financial performance in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Message from the CFO

Dear shareholders and investors,

With a strong sense of accomplishment, we are very proud to share 2022 results. They are the synthesis of a long trajectory of huge challenges which were overcome, efficient management, consistent strategic choices which were vindicated and the focus on value generation, all of which are today reflected in excellent economic and financial results and a solid balance sheet.

We have reached superlative records: recurring net income and EBITDA of, respectively, US$34bn and US$67bn, which, notwithstanding the positive external backdrop, represent the result of several relevant management decisions taken over the past years, as oil prices had previously been at levels similar to those of 2022, without equivalent results. And we have generated those results while investing in 2022 US$10bn in our businesses and delivering an oil and gas production of 2.7 million boed, 3% above the center of the target and with 73% of pre-salt oil in the mix, demonstrating how serious and effective is the execution of our robust and resilient strategic planning. We continue to break production records. FPSO Carioca, in Sépia field, reached in November the average monthly production of 174 kbpd and the ATP-6 well in Atapu reached in the same period 56.5 kbpd. In 2022 reserves incorporation was the highest ever (2.0 billion boe), for the second year in a row, reflecting the excellent performance of our assets. The reserves to production metric (R/P) went up to 12.2 years.

We started up 2 new production platforms, in the Mero and Itapu fields, the latter brought forward relative to the initial schedule. We shall have 17 additional ones coming online over the next 5 years.

We delivered world-class results in refining and trading and logistics. We continue with our plans to modernize our refining facilities, with works in the Sulfur Recovery Unit at REGAP, procurement of the new HDT for REPLAN and the system for reduction of emissions into the atmosphere (blowdown closure at RPBC). We have kept the utilization factor in our refineries at high and efficient levels, despite relevant maintenance stoppages, and we also increased energy efficiency and reduced emissions.

The year 2022 was challenging with global supply limitations caused by the conflict in Ukraine. Our global market coverage and development of new customers were instrumental for the shift in our exports flow aimed at generating value and seizing new arbitrage opportunities. We have been able to diversify the destinations of our exports and practice competitive prices, while reducing volatility to our customers.

In regard to innovation and technological development, it is worth noting that for the second year in a row we have reached the record of 1,100 active patents filed only in 2022. For the fourth consecutive year we were in the top position in high performance and ecoefficient computers in Latin America, with the Pegasus supercomputer, which happens to be the 5th most powerful on the global oil industry. Processing more data enables us to generate ever-sharper images for the areas mapped for oil and gas exploration and production, besides reducing processing time. This contributes to production optimization, increase in recovery factor of the existing reserves and the maximization of the efficiency of our exploratory projects.

These results and the countless other efforts and processes, it is always worth remembering, were carried out with the utmost respect for the highest governance and compliance standards. Consistent with the continuous improvement of our governance and transparency, in 2022 we approved our Tax Policy and improved the governance of our Pricing Policy with the approval by our Board of Directors of the guideline for prices in the domestic market. Our Governance efforts have been rewarded and for the 6th consecutive year we have received the Level 1 Governance Certification from the Secretariat of Coordination and Governance of State-Owned Companies (SEST). We also stand in the top position in the ranking for active transparency of the General Federal Inspector’s Office (Controladoria Geral da União).    

We have accomplished all this always prioritizing the safety of our employees – captured in the total recordable injuries metric of 0.68 per million men-hour – and respecting the environment and society. We have today the largest program for offshore CO2 capture worldwide. In 2022 we injected 10.6 million tCO2, the most we injected in a single year. In light of the cumulative results our reinjection comittment was revised up to 80 million tCO2 by 2025 in CCUS (carbon capture usage and storage) projects. CO2 reinjection will continue to have a relevant role in the reduction of the intensity of GHG emissions on oil and gas production. Besides, as can be witnessed in the evolution of our strategic plans, we are seeking to expand even further our environmental initiatives, developing capabilities also for the offshore wind, hydrogen and biorefining businesses. For the second year in a row, Petrobras has joined the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and we have reached the maximum score in the Environmental Report, Water-related Risks and Social Report criteria. The company also stood out in terms of Operating Eco-efficiency, Labor Practices and Human Rights. It is also noteworthy that we are implementing a green recycling policy for platforms to be decommissioned, in line with the market’s best ESG practices.

All those efforts were translated into huge wealth for Brazilian society. In 2022, we have paid the record amount of R$279bn in taxes and government take and we have surpassed the mark of R$1tn over the last 5 years. Our strong results have also been translated into returns to our shareholders. Our Board of Directors approved dividends of R$2.75  per common and preferred share, relative to 4Q22 results. And we can continue to deliver even more. With the perspectives on oil and gas production growth, with higher profitability due to the pre-salt, and the capacity of our company to face the challenges imposed by the inevitable energy transition we shall be in a unique position to continue to generate long term value. It is obviously worth nothing that we cannot ignore the cyclical nature of our industry: who can forget negative oil prices during the height of the pandemic? In 2022 our return on capital employed was 16%. In 2020 it was only 3%. Therefore, we need to focus on our portfolio’s resilience, ensuring long term financial sustainability.

All that has been constructed was only possible due to the efforts, capacity and commitment of thousands of people, who, infused with collaborative spirit and working for a common good, are capable of generating so much wealth for society.

Lastly, we are confident that Petrobras will keep moving forward to a bright future, overcoming challenges, developing technologies to the energy transition and, in the meantime, generating value to society and to our shareholders and investors.


Rodrigo Araujo Alves

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